
Sunday, September 11, 2011

September Silver Sunday

If April showers bring May flowers.....what do August showers bring?
Coming off the rainiest month we've ever had here on the East Coast it's been hard to stay inspired when the dreary days seem to drag on forever. 
But,there's always a silver just have to know where to look....

Painting with her little silver drops of rain Mother Nature never ceases to amaze me.....
What beauty do you find in the rain?
Have a wonderful silver sunday and don't forget to take a moment to remember those who were lost to us in the 9/11 tragedy not so long ago.


  1. Hi Beth, beautiful post today. As I get up each morning since sept. 1 the spiderwebs are more and more....beautiful works of art. They say all these webs are a hard winter coming. I sure hope not! I miss Silver Sunday and happy to be here today. (something is wrong with Linky). HSS

  2. The photos are beautiful. Mother Nature sure knows how to decorate.

  3. Hi :)
    I just wanted to tell you that the photos are wonderful.
    What a nice post this is.



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