
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Metal Saturday

I Just stumbled on this really funky blog hop Metal Saturday over at Freckled Laundry.....thought I'd give it whirl since I have a passion for collecting funky metal pieces and of course tarnished silver~
 I perused through my photos and found some really cool pieces I had forgotten I had...loads of metal pics...oh and yes it's official, I really do love me some metal!

(these 4 pieces are available on my new etsy shop Rummaged)

I also love metal findings for my jewelry designs......the older the grittier the better.
Now,  I couldn't do a post involving metal unless I told you one of my obscure idiosyncrasies ... although heavy metal music is a far, far cry from what I listen to regularly I am a secret Metallica fan yes, there  I said it. I can't believe I said it, but there it's outta the bag.... I clean my house while  rockin' out to the brash loud and  invigorating voice of James Hetfield, really I do!  and I love it!
So here's to the metal in my life....tarnished and all!


PS see you tomorrow for Silver Sunday


  1. Hi Beth,
    I can just see you rockin' out to Metallica while you clean your house :)
    I'm a fan of metal pieces too and, like you, the rustier the better!
    You pictured some awesome pieces.

  2. Gorgeous metals...and yep, I am hearing metal songs in my head since Jami announced this party!

  3. Great vintage pieces with oodles of patina. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love metal (both the music and the object!) And I'm with you, the older and cruddier the better! That achilles stand thing has got a great patina...

  5. great pieces! have a fab weekend!

  6. Great post, Beth! I adore your metal pieces. A fantastic collection with awesome patina. I really appreciate you linking up!



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