
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fear of Sterling ?

 I finally broke out the sterling wire and threw caution to the wind, shut my eyes and went for it.  I've had it stashed for so long. I don't know why but I've always had a fear of using my expensive sterling wire. Maybe it's a confidence thing, fear of messing up and wasting this precious metal? I think I am just worried that I won't like the piece and then I'll feel like I wasted it...who knows.  
  I seem to do this alot. I pick up cool elements for jewelry then I chicken out when it comes time to use it. So I thought to myself this is silly, just get your butt up there and use what you have! So I did it, I wire wrapped like crazy even made my own ear wires and I have to say.....I'm glad I faced my fear! 

I also dug up a really cool huge bag of 1960's bohemian beads during my earing making frenzy. Not quite sure what they're made of, thought maybe plastic but texture's not quite right, feels like a light wood but I don't think so, I'm still not sure.  All I do know is that they're really cool.  Muted colors and funky medallion shapes, lots of fun to play with. 

Heading back up to the studio to get lost in my sea of sterling.....what will you be doing this weekend?
Have a wonderful Memorial day weekend! 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

May Silver Sunday

(Silver)Hats Off To Mom!
 Happpy Silver Sunday Mother's Day addition.
Today it's all about the Mom' here's to 
my mom
her mom (on left) 
 and her mom......
Have a wonderful and joyous Mother Day!

Metal Saturday

I Just stumbled on this really funky blog hop Metal Saturday over at Freckled Laundry.....thought I'd give it whirl since I have a passion for collecting funky metal pieces and of course tarnished silver~
 I perused through my photos and found some really cool pieces I had forgotten I had...loads of metal pics...oh and yes it's official, I really do love me some metal!

(these 4 pieces are available on my new etsy shop Rummaged)

I also love metal findings for my jewelry designs......the older the grittier the better.
Now,  I couldn't do a post involving metal unless I told you one of my obscure idiosyncrasies ... although heavy metal music is a far, far cry from what I listen to regularly I am a secret Metallica fan yes, there  I said it. I can't believe I said it, but there it's outta the bag.... I clean my house while  rockin' out to the brash loud and  invigorating voice of James Hetfield, really I do!  and I love it!
So here's to the metal in my life....tarnished and all!


PS see you tomorrow for Silver Sunday

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Le Chocolat

My new french inspired  Chocolate totes! can find them here.
Just think chocolate without the calories.....ooooh la la!
Have a great day!

Please check out all the other French Inspiration over at the French Cupboard......

PS don't forget this Sunday is Silver Sunday~