
Monday, February 14, 2011

Don't get me wrong I do love to bake.  I just never seem to get to it as much, unless it's a birthday and I throw together a  cake.  Wow, as I write this I'm realizing I've become pretty lame in the baking department.

No more first day of Spring cake, shamrock cupcakes, Valentine cookies, Yule logs, homemade sticky buns for Christmas morning (the yeast kind), Banana bread...just because the bananas are going brown, or zucchini bread because I have an overabundance growing in the garden.....darn I don't even do the veggie garden anymore. Okay it's official I have become a lame-o baker, since all but one of my birdies have left the nest. 

I'll have to go with store bought sweets today.....
here is my contribution to the Porch Club bake-off....does this count? Seriously they're so yummy!...maybe even good enough to open a chain of doughnut shops...hmmmmm?
I could make excuses and say that I was going to bake today but had so much work to do on the new...project(details coming soon) but, I won't.  Only half of that statement is true.  I never intended to bake today......
Here's hoping you have a  rainbow sprinkled creme filled Valentine's Day!


  1. I didn't bake today either. But I think we both gave a great contribution!! That donut looks yummy!! Man I too feel so lame..... My nest is empty too and that's my house you just described. So funny Now that we have what would seem like more time with out chasing little ones..... oh well. I do get the occasional batch of cookies or banana pudding made but that is about it.

    Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Hello Beth,
    thank you so much for your nice wish. I wish you HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY and always sunshine in your garden.
    Greetings, Johanna

  3. Sadly I have never tasted those doughnuts... and I really don't care for the Canadian version, but they do look scrumptious!!! So does the last photo....oooh how exciting!!!
    Happy heart day!
    Margaret B

  4. Beth that donut looks pretty darn good, stop over and see what I did for Valentine V-Day


  5. That donut looks YUMMY!!!
    Super excited to hear what you are up to!!!
    Happy Valentines Day!
    Tammy :-)

  6. Okay ... I'll let you off this time ... but ONLY if you promise to bake one of those First Day of Spring cakes for our GRAND OPENING party ; )


  7. Hi Beth,

    Dunkin Donuts are fabulous!! So is their coffee. :0) You sound like me on the cooking/baking part. The goodies I BAKED are a real exception since I'm sure it's been at least two years since I baked anything sweet! I'm visiting for Porch Club and wanted to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day...come on over for a delicious brownie!

    Stephanie ♥

  8. HI There, Thanks so much for your visit and for becoming a follower...I shall join up with you as well. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  9. I was happy to see a DD when I was in Aruba! What are you up to?!!

  10. Love your blog. just visited your Etsy shop. love the jewelry. I have become a follower and I am anxious to see what you have up your sleeve.

  11. Wish I had one of those little cream filled hearts right now. ;-)
    Is that a store front I see? Details?
    ~ Sarah


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