
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

 While playing catch-up yesterday....I developed a severe case of "keep-it-itis" and here's how it happened along with a list of symptoms to watch out for.
There's just something about warm, fresh, flowing air with no humidity that gets me going on long neglected lists, like a mad woman.  So, since yesterday was one of those weather days....I went to town, painting my backed up pile of furniture. A few pieces for customers and a few for the barn market.
I pulled out several little tables I had stashed in the basement. Getting crazy with my brushes and after several hours, coats of paint and distressing (now pay attention this could happen to you) I started getting light headed, I think I began to hallucinate.  My thoughts began to wander, my heart began to race. I started decorating in my head, all thoughts were starring the cutest little table ever....I recognized these symptoms immediately, "Crud! I've got it again!" KEEP-IT-ITIS 
Now, the biggest problem with this affliction is that the only cure is to KEEP IT.....and that's just not an option right now.
When I got this little piece the only redeeming qualities it had were price and sweet little dangling drawer pulls.  The finish was hideous an now, as it turns out it was a diamond in the rough and I want it in my house!
 So I thought I would try this home remedy, maybe, if I just post a picture of it on white Wednesday, it would be "kinda" like keeping it and maybe I'll be cured...I think it's working, well for now. Do you ever get keep-it-itis? 
Joining in with Faded Charms White Wednesday..hope to see you there!


  1. Oh I do get that, thanks for the home remedy I just might have to try it! And as for the table, that is definitely something that would cause this dire affliction! Happy WW! Theresa

  2. Oh so many great treasures I like the little cottagr table. It is so cute for a night stand. Thanks for sharing....Julian

  3. It is really hard to part with something that you have spent time on redoing. I have that problem, so I am always changing my home around when I do a new project that I like better than the last. Thanks for sharing. All of the tables are lovely. I would have a hard time parting with any of them

  4. I would so want to keep that. Or would want to buy stuff from other sellars. I would never make money. STay Strong. olive♥

  5. Do I ever get it? I was born with it....why else do you think I haven't opened my Etsy shop yet?
    You did a great job with the tables...they all look wonderful!

  6. I've got it ... I was born with it ... that's why my basement, attic, and garage look the way they do !!

    Great job on the pieces ... I do think the nightstand is a keeper ; )


  7. Oh that is so cute. Yes I get the keep it itis!! Sigh but when you run out of room you have to sell so you can buy more!!

  8. I have that problem too-that's why the barns are all full!

  9. Oh Beth, I am so glad there is a name for this 'thing'. I was thinking I may be the only one who had it. I don't think there is a cure for it yet though. So we will have to just accept it for now;) Have fun!
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  10. I love your blog and your Etsy shop. The jewelry in your shop is just fabulous! I love visiting to see what eye candy you'll have next.


  11. Oh! I think it's a virus! Just yesterday I painted a little white table and loved the way it turned out. Sometimes I keep things for a little bit to 'quench my thirst' and then bring them into the shop. This time I was very well behaved and brought it in immediately. Maybe I should do a quick post about it and link back. Hmmm...

    P.S. I can see why you love your little table

  12. Opps think I'm having problems commenting. error server thingy.
    Just wanted to say that I think you should keep it...
    for now!!!
    you can always sell it later. The perks of being in the biz!

  13. This was hilarious! I do recognize the "disease"... KEEP-IT-TIS can also strike when buying items for one's booth at an antiques mall... when you fall in love with what you've purchased and can't sell them. Bad! Bad! Too bad there isn't a tiny pink pill to take for this.
    Good luck with the "new" furniture!
    Ladybug Creek

  14. I have that same illness, that's why my house is full. But what happens is that after I have loved it for awhile I can let it go. that way I don't feel too deprived. It's really sweet!

  15. It is cute! I recognize that disease, although around here we call it I-want-itis. Same results though :-)

  16. I just love the post about Iwantititis. I swear I have it!! I shared it on my fb page. I think it is just the cutest thing ever. If I had to paint all the pretty little tables you drug up from the basement, it would be hard for me NOT to dream of decorating them.
    Love your blog. I am a follower. Won't you take a peek at mine too? Have a great day! Jen

  17. I've got it toooo.....oh, if I was closer I would give it a good home!


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