
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My very first White Wednesday

It thought I would give White Wednesday a go this week..everything is lighter and happier now that
Spring is here and it's time to make the doughnuts paint the furniture.....tee hee~
This is usually when I start painting like crazy just like the rolly polly doughnut maker from the old Dunkin Doughnut least that's how I begin to feel, trying to get all the painting in before the weather turns humid here on the East Coast.   
Here's a few (mostly) white pieces from last years mania.

This piece was actualy quite the ugly duckling before it's creamy white make over. It now
resides with Ms. Courtney Love who scooped it up as soon as I listed it on etsy. Quite the surprise for me.

Finally the twins....two of my fav. shabby re-do's.
so glad you stopped by ...and many thanks to our 

Thanks Kathleen for all your inspiration! 
PS I am extending my giveaway until Friday....had a crazy week and there's so many entries I want to be sure they're copied and accounted for...before the drawing......


  1. Hi Beth,
    You did a fantastic job with the furniture pieces. They are all really beautiful.

  2. Oh my...."she" would have LOVED to have gotten ahold of the piece you listed on Etsy. Yep, that would have been a keeper. Good thing she didn't she it. And the dresser with the robin's egg blue is wonderful as well. I think you should do the donut, er...I mean the White Wednesday thing more often!

    Romeo and "her"

  3. mmm love all of these.. that first one with the blue..oh my...just yummy!

  4. Oh Beth, you're not old enough to remember that commercial. My husband and I say that to each other frequently. Time to make the donuts!
    Love your pieces you showed, you did an amazing job! Have a wonderful WW!

  5. Niiiiice!

    P.S. Isn't it aggravating how we have to work around the weather on the east coast? Grrr.

  6. Hi Beth
    You have some gorgeous white pieces there.. no wonder Courtney Love came a shopping your way... xx Julie

  7. What a wonderful addition to WW. Love the curves and the details on the tables. Happy White Wednesday to you!!! Have a terrific week!

    Warm wishes

  8. Nice pictures!!!
    Hope you have a lovely day. The weather here is great. Today it's gonna be 19 degrees.
    Greetzz Madelon

  9. Morning Beth, Funny how we associate Spring with painting and white is usually the color of choice.

    Happy Wednesday.

  10. Welcome to your first W.W. Hope you have a lot of fun seeing everyones treasures. And by the way the redo's look great. Have a good day, Julian

  11. ... it would be fun to paint together for a day ... sometimes I get so lonely ... working alone!


  12. I still say we should have delivered to Ms. Love in person ... what a story to tell!

    All your pieces are divine!!

    Happy WW ..

  13. Beautiful pieces!!!Thank you for sharing them and welcome to WW!!

  14. Hi Beth, great to see you here at WW. Those pieces are fantastic. Ms. Love really bought that? Happy White Wednesday. xo

  15. Great pieces! I hear ya on getting going on the opening of *painting season*...It's time! And welcome to WW!

  16. Those are all fabulous! I'm so glad you joined in the fun to show them to us! The piece with the blue/aqua is stunning. LOVE IT!!! Happy painting season!!! My neighbors joke that I will paint anything that isn't bolted down... little do they know I will paint the bolted pieces too!!! Happy WW, Theresa

  17. Hehehe... Yes it's time to paint furniture!! I have a couple of things to re-make too!
    Thanks for stopping by and for your nice comment- I have not much silver at home, but I'll be glad to join you sometime!

  18. Welcome, Your white furniture is wonderful. I am also in my mad painting everything mood and the color I seem to be using is white for almost everything. Have a great Wednesday.


  19. Ooooooo! I'm loving the one with the blue. And the open one (Ms. Loves?). And the twins! All absolutely wonderful!

  20. How delightful for you to post your first WW. Love those pieces of furniture.

  21. I falling in love with white furniture. I'm doing my first vintage bedroom. Three lushious whites.

    Yours looks great. I wish I could see how you get the edges to look like that.

    Great job!


  22. I'm loving all your whites today. So glad you could play along. Don't you just love the succulents? I was in awe over your in the silver containers.

    Hope to see you at the next Silver Sunday.


  23. You are Blog Of The Day at Alice Magazine - xx

  24. What incredible furniture for White Wednesday! As I scroll down to leave a comment, I'm noticing items that might be for sale and can't wait to go check them out. Your blog is yummy!!!

  25. A wonderful WW-debut!
    Hugs from Austria, Traude
    PS: I also love your idea of the Silver Sunday. I think it's only once a month (?) but I want to show a few of my silver items next sunday (according to your lovely idea). I hope this is okay :o)

  26. What Wonderful WW Treasures ~ I was away, so now I am playing Catch~Up... have a wonderful Spring Week~

  27. ooooh! Scrumptious pieces. I love the top one hte best!!


    barbara jean


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