
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Save The Date

"Have I gone mad?"
"I'm afraid so. But I'll tell you a secret, all the best people are."
.....and this is where you'll find us!
Come and Show off your muchness on May 1st
French Cupboard is hosting this awesome party filled with giveaways and surprises!
It's a simply can't miss event! 
Check this out now....ends on Friday
Head over to Holiday with Matthew Mead to find out how you can win the opportunity to have your blog or online shop mentioned in the magazine. Holiday with Matthew Mead is a  "book-azine" celebrating and offering inspiration for the Christmas holiday season. To be released in October 2010, Holiday is offered via online orders only - in limited quantities - and will not be sold on newsstands. But, by simply following the BUY HOLIDAY MAGAZINE link below their banner, you can reserve your own copy of this beautiful magazine, with guaranteed delivery of the magazine straight to your mailbox!  Holiday with Matthew Mead is144 pages of holiday inspiration with well-known and admired designers, bloggers and top-notch features, printed on beautiful paper and not drowning in ads!
Now, head on over for your chance to win!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

And the winner is........

Congratulations Lana from HoneySuckle Lane you're the gypsy giveaway winner!

Thanks so much to everyone for playing along....stop by Lana's blog and wish her hearty congratulations!

PS....I'm seeing another giveaway in the very near future...."the journal" is just about up to 300 followers!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My very first White Wednesday

It thought I would give White Wednesday a go this week..everything is lighter and happier now that
Spring is here and it's time to make the doughnuts paint the furniture.....tee hee~
This is usually when I start painting like crazy just like the rolly polly doughnut maker from the old Dunkin Doughnut least that's how I begin to feel, trying to get all the painting in before the weather turns humid here on the East Coast.   
Here's a few (mostly) white pieces from last years mania.

This piece was actualy quite the ugly duckling before it's creamy white make over. It now
resides with Ms. Courtney Love who scooped it up as soon as I listed it on etsy. Quite the surprise for me.

Finally the twins....two of my fav. shabby re-do's.
so glad you stopped by ...and many thanks to our 

Thanks Kathleen for all your inspiration! 
PS I am extending my giveaway until Friday....had a crazy week and there's so many entries I want to be sure they're copied and accounted for...before the drawing......

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lucky Silver Sunday

Welcome to March Silver Sunday.....
'Tis the time of year that all the wee creatures of the earth come out to add magic and fantasy to our lives.
Fairies, Fae and Leprechauns scamper about the landscape applauding the arrival of spring!

 Irish folklore was the inspiration for me to create my little fairy jars...containing magical fairy dust(german glass glitter).So in honor of the season of magic and lore I thought I would share my silver fairy jars with yee.

..........And music in the air,
And fairy wings upon the earth,
And mischief everywhere
The maids, to keep the elves aloof,
will bar the doors in vain,
No keyhole will be fairy proof
When green leaves come again... till green leaves come again.
                                                                              ~Fairy Song byThomas Haynes Bayly
So, if you're patient and vigil I'm sure you'll see the 'sidhe' (pronounced shee),in merry bands about the hawthorn tree or at feasts in gilded fairy palaces ......

If your looking for a bit of magical Irish folklore check out one of my favorite all time movies...
And don't forget to join in the giveaway....drawing March 24
(thanks Jill for making this cool button)

Have a bonny good Silver Sunday.......

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gypsy Giveaway!

Oh, How I wish it was me who was traveling to Marburger but, alas, I will just send along my goodies....heading out to Illinois tonight where they'll be bundled up by sweet Polly, with several other French Cupboard  members' goodies. Then sent off to Texas where wonderful Theresa will be handing out  French Cupboard bundles to shoppers and blog party attendees.Envious, envious, envious, me! 
So in honor of all of us who long to get away and swoon, oggle, oodle, dig, search, treasure hunt, have heart palpatations uncovering that perfect piece, go back and get it, spend too much, but have to have it,  and shop til ya drop at the show, but can't make it there....I'm going to giveaway one of my soldered charms. Not much of a consolation gift, but maybe you could wear it for luck, and end up waking up in Texas with an empty truck waiting to be filled with found treasures and vintage goodies....well, one can dream can't she?

All you have to do is...
~ leave a comment for 1 chance~

~ become a follower for another 2 (if you already follow just let me know, I'm not the cable company , you don't have to be a new customer to get the best deal...tee hee) ~

~If you post about this giveaway then 3 more chances~

Lucky winner will be drawn Wednesday March 24th.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Silver Sunday

Just a reminder to all the Silver Sunday Sistas and Brothers the next episode is on for next get all your silver lovelies ready to party!
see on....
Sunday March 14th

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yeah it's here again! Another VBF hosted by the French Cupboard featuring Jill of Gypsy Brocante
I thought I would revise some photos of my previously attended VBF parties....

this is one of my favorite re-do's....antique vintage swing arm oak dresser that I gave little Vintage Black Facelift.

....a few of my vintage cameras, oldies but goodies....

another small obsession of mine....collecting things to put things in....vintage black vessels filled with stuff and more stuff!

....and these are my most favorite of all....great grandma's powder tin from the 19th century still smelling of her sweet talc, a really cool vintage brooch and "Mr. Not me". You know him, if you have kids you surely have one of him hanging around your house. He's the guy that seems to be responsible for everthing and anything of a suspicious nature.  He travels around my house, not putting dishes in the sink, not picking up shoes, not getting the trash exactly into the trash can, he's even been known to leave the toilet seat up ....hmmmph...if he wasn't so darn cute I'd say he'd have to go....
Happy VBF!!!!!!