
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just Trying to Get a little Spring in my step......

Just wanted to give you all a little update......I'm calculating all of your chances for the giveaway, getting to all your fantastic posts this week and leaving comments to each and everyone, I've added tons of more stuff to the etsy shop and been trudging throught the snow, snow and more snow here in the N. East it's just crazy!
See you next week for Silver Sunday......grab the new button and join the party!


  1. Great new button! I just finished adding a byline to the other button on my blog . . . LOL! This is so much better!

    See you on Sunday!


  2. I just came over to 'follow' and to grab the silver button so I could join in the party. Then I read where it was the last party - sad..and then I read that it's just going to a monthly party!!! Yea!!

    Lookin' forward to it!

  3. Got my button and link on my blog... ready to share more silver!!!!

  4. Beth, I just added the new button to my sidebar and posted for this week. Thanks for hosting this fun party! I'm looking forward to seeing more silver!!!

  5. Hi Beth ~ I would have bet my mother that I was already a follower and yet, when I checked , I wasn't. I AM LOSING IT!!! Oh well, all is right with the world now. Happy Valentines Day xoxoxo

  6. Oh my, I am following and just posted before bed.
    Sweet Dreams to all you silver sweethearts!

  7. This was just the most fun event to be able to show our silver to others, and to see all their grand treasures.

    Thank you, thank you. =0)


    barbara jean


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