
Sunday, February 28, 2010

I Spy......

Looky looky.....what I spied with my big green eyes!
I didn't put on snow boots today for the first time in about 3 weeks...thought about flip flops but I thought that might be rushing things a bit. So as I went out to fill the bird feeders I noticed a little green clump poking out from some leftover snow, and there they were, stretching for the sun and staring me right in the eye...daffodils!

The more I looked the more I found...peeking their sleepy heads out of the snow and left over leaves.
This is the first time I've seen my fish boy in weeks he's been covered in an icy blanket of white crystal snow for what seems like forever....not so sure I should admit this on  a public forum but, I was so excited to see him I hust had to wave at him. Don't worry he didn't wave back.

Deciding to document this spring preview  I circled around to go back in and get my camera 
when, whoosh! a robin zoomed by! So, in case any of you were feeling as if winter will never end it's now  official, no matter what the weather man predicts, Spring is really on it's way.


  1. Oh such simlpstic beauty... I had on my flipper floppers today (oh yea i live in CA) I hope this week is awesome for you as we start our 3rd month of 2010 :)


  2. Exciting, eh? And...I would have waved at fish boy too! Of course, I also have green eyes. Ya reckon there's a connection? ~ Angela

  3. Thank goodness, spring is on its way

  4. Oh these photos are pretty! Today I saw most of my driveway for the first time in months...although in Minnesota I know our biggest snows are in March...I did see a huge flock of mourning doves yesterday- gave me hope!

  5. I would do anything to see some small hint of spring... but all we get is more snow!!! Great photos!

  6. Such a fantastic idea to capture their growth! I'm so envious that you have some green already!! Oh how I wish for some spring!
    you have an absolutely lovely blog :)
    Angela Harris

  7. Oh I absolutely love Spring! Glad to see it is on its way!

  8. Oh, joy! Signs of spring for you. I have my first irises blooming.

  9. Congraatulations! Im glad Spring decided to stop by, Now you can look foward to gardening. Have a great day, Julian

  10. haha I've been known to wave at inanimate objects also... but I can understand your excitement.. mine however is on the decline with now being in Autumn.... I'm going to miss summer.. Enjoy your spring! xx Julie

  11. Outside it's still looks like winter here but own greenhouse sure don't. I can't wait to see the bulbs peeking thru. I'm so happy you got to see it first hand!


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