
Monday, December 28, 2009

....and the move is on~

Just a short post to share the studio that I'm on winter break I can finally begin the moving , or should I say, shuffling.  So I am closing my brick and mortar shop, moving my studio and etys/web site "headquarters" to the 3rd floor of my house and going a bit mad trying to coordinate this....I don't know if I should hatch a chicken or lay an egg....which one comes first? Wait I'm not even a chicken....

I think I have just about everything I'm keeping from the shop moved upstairs but I still have this much more in the old studio....

My studio pets are looking bit confused as they watch me spin and move and scratch my head.
oh boy.....
I think it's time for a giant glass of yummy red wine and a break.
Thanks for peaking in......


  1. Ummmm...not gonna sugar coat it. That looks like a LOT of work. But I will offer some unsolicited advice - take your time and organize as you go, otherwise you'll wind up with only a small amount of usable space and many mystery drawers and containers - just a suggestion. And no more brick and mortar? Hopefully that's a good thing. Best wishes ~ Angela

  2. Good luck with all the moving and reorganizing. I know it's a big job but just think how wonderful it will be when you are settled in your new 3rd floor studio. Keep us posted on the progress.


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