
Friday, June 18, 2010

Where Bloggers Create

Welcome to my little attic studio!

So this is how it all started... it's been a work in progress for over a year I thought The "Where Bloggers Create" party would be the best place to finally unveil my 99.9% finished studio....
This is the burnt orange beginnings....this room was screaming for transformation! Don't ya think?

Phase two...lasted almost as long as our winter did this year.....very very  long... my little attic world didn't have any working heat yet, so progress was short at times...had to keep running up and down and warm my piggy toes.  Thank you Mr. Fish for getting the heat up and running.

Now finally...Ta dah......

A little paint and alot of STUFF and here's the final result.  You may notice that I'm not really great at storing things neatly away or out of sight....I think it's an affliction that I have and I have had all my life(you should have seen my bedroom growing up, or maybe not)....gotta love Mr. Fish for putting up with my "grown up girl" clutter!

There's nothing like starting a project and being able to leave it right in the same spot and have it stay there until you get back....ahhhhh no gremlins to move my stuff or take my tools.
Finally having a space of my own to feed my head and spur my creativity is truly a god send.
These are a few of the projects I have completed since I have had my own space.
I hope you've enjoyed your visit to Gypsy Fish Studio....Now, I'm off to go check out all the other havens of 
creativity! Thanks Karen for hosting such a fun event! I think I'm headed for inspiration overload!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June Silver Sunday!

Welcome to the June edition of Silver Sunday! It's amazing how time is flying by and how quickly the silver mercury is rising with each day as we get closer and closer to my favorite time of year. Summertime!
Not only because I love my summer vacation but because it's flea season! No, not doggy fleas, jukin' fleas!
Being off in the summer enables me to feed my Thursday flea addiction...hooray!
This is just the time of year I start to get a little crazy...time to gather new collections.  Me, like I'm sure of a lot of you, can't just seem to buy one of something.  "You never know when you might need another".  
So here are few of the silver oddments and whimsies I've collected simply because I had to have more than one.
Monopoly hats.....why have one when you can have dozens?
Lovely zinc canning jar lids....yes, I will surely need these some day!
 A dozen sugar bowls and creamers without lids....very important when one has aspirations of making funky pin cushions.
Don't forget to visit all the other silver Sunday posts and Have yourself a wonderful Silver Sunday....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Silver Sunday is this Weekend

This Sunday June 13th!
 If you have a chance please check out GIna's blog here and check out her latest post....
She stopped by the Collingswood May Fair and payed us a visit at the Barn Market Booth.
Thanks glad to finally meet you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I bought a bike! I bought a bike and it's the "best bike in the whole world"!
See I'm short and beach cruisers are big...what's with that?  Well this little vintage beauty is just right! Actually it is the same type bike I got when I was six and started riding a two wheeler...imagine that...did my legs NOT grow?  When I saw it at the flea I felt just like Pee Wee Herman when he finally found his stolen bike......the angels sang, the spot light shined bright and I just had to have it! 
Now I just need to dig up a cool basket and find a farmers market in biking distance and I'm all set. 
 I did make it to a farmers market this past weekend (but not on my bike)
 where Jill and I did a fab show in Collingswood NJ.  It was huge! Vendors by the tent loads, food,
farmers market, bands, games, more food.....

I wish I had more pics to share but I was so busy ditzying around all over the place, setting up and chatting with all the visitors that wandered into our tent...I just couldn't settle down to take more pics.....maybe if we're lucky Jill will post some of hers...she's much more focused than me(oh, no pun intended)...tee hee!
 Thanks for stopping by....